Toyo Quality One (TQ1) is a specialized manufacturer in polyurethane foam (PUF) only in Japan.
TQ-1 will continue to develop new technologies, make efforts to environment, and expand the overseas business.
TQ-1 will pursuit the infinite possibilities that the PUF has, contribute to the business for our customers and to the livelihood of the people.
Polyurethane foam (PUF) is a plastic foam made by mixing a foaming agent, a
foam stabilizer and a catalyst.Because there are various uses depending on a
foaming ratio, it is used widely in our daily life.
PUF is widely used not only for transportation fields such as automobiles, airplanes, but also for industrial materials such as engineering, construction, electronic
industry, agriculture, and daily necessaries such as interiors, sports goods, health
appliances, etc.
TQ-1 has developed overseas business positively as a
"Foaming manufacturer".
TQ-1 defines that it is our responsibility the concern about global
environment as the PUF uses petroleum as raw materials with considering global environment