While problems of the environmental conservation becomes more and more important, as a PUF handling maker, TQ-1 defines that it is our responsibility the concern about global
environment as the PUF uses petroleum as raw materials with considering global
For example, TQ-1 has achieved non fluorocarbon production of PUF quickly. Also TQ-1
has worked for recycling business and study of techniques positively, registered ISO14001 in 2002.
In addition, TQ-1 has established “TQ1 Eco LTD. (TQE)” at the same site as Kawagoe
factory, and has positively promoted chipping, recycling core materials of furniture, and
floor substrate. The products which TQE produces have a reputation of high quality, not
limited to recycling business.
In future, TQ-1 is aiming not only developing the new material taking environment into
consideration from the stage of using raw materials, but the establishment of more
effective recycling system. TQ-1 has specially focused on new PUF manufactured by
using, biomass raw material, and has cut into new ground of environment with friendly
We conduct our business activities as forming manufacturer of cushion, seal, and synthesis materials with forming urethane and rubber
technologies based on this “Environment Policy”. We will define that our action of the protection and conservation of the natural environment
aims to protect the Earth which is a charge from future children. For this purpose, we will harmonize environmental preservation with business
activity by using resources efficiently, perform environmental load reduction, and make effort to hand future children the nature-rich earth.