The purpose of using customer information (hereinafter referred to as "personal information") of Toyo Quality One Cooperation (hereinafter
refer-red to as "Company") is as follows.
The Company hope to continue providing useful information to our customers. The Company may recognizes the importance of handling
personal information, complies with laws and regulations regarding protection of customers' personal information, and handle personal
information appropriately.
The purpose concerning acquisition of personal information is as follows. If the Company acquires personal information for the purpose which is not stipulated here, the purpose of use will be specified in advance.
The Company do not acquire personal information by deceit or other improper means.
We use personal information within the scope defined by "purpose of use" which is mentioned above.
We will not provide personal information to third parties except in the following cases.
The Company shall take necessary and appropriate action for the security control of personal data including preventing the leakage, loss or damage of its handled personal data.
The Company will improve this policy to comply with Japanese laws and other standard related to the protection of user’s personal information.
All revisions of this policy will be notified on our website.